May is Stroke Awareness Month
There are many different kinds of stroke. One of the most lethal is Brainstem Stroke. Ninety percent of brainstem strokers die in the first month. Congrats to all our members who have made it!
This was taken this week from my StrokeNet, newsletter.
They say women are more likely to stroke then men, and if you are black, your chances almost double. I have come along way since I had a Brain-stem Stroke (Bleed). People always ask me, How did you know it was happening, what are the signs?
One night in May, I woke up with the most bitter taste in my mouth, the kind that no matter how many times you spit, or rinsed your mouth out, the taste was still there. I walked in and turned on my computer thinking that if I sat up awhile the bitter taste would go away.
The computer never got past the Windows screen, when the nausea hit me hard, double vision set in, I was having trouble breathing and I couldn't quite feel my right side. Then, I suddenly felt extremely calm, almost euphoric and knew I just wanted to lay down, it was such a peaceful feeling, and then I became extremely tired. Just as suddenly, something must have kicked in and I think I went into survival mode. Yelling for my husband as loud as I could muster, it came out like I was speaking in tongue.
My husband is a very heavy sleeper and was in the master bedroom at the end of the house. Somehow he heard me. He came out and I tried to tell him what was happening to me. He started dressing immediately, but time went into slow motion and I yelled at him again 9-1-1, don't ask me what came out but he called and the ambulance was there before he finished dressing.
The young EMT's, gosh looked so very young, they but the Blood Pressure Cuff on me and suddenly I saw them look at each other. The young man went to our phone and called the hospital. I couldn't tell what he was saying, but he returned to the BP cuff and went back into the kitchen. When he came out he said to the young lady, just pack her up and let's get her there. Later I found out my blood pressure had risen to 387/285.
The rest of the story... you know how there is always a twist at the end.... I had been prescribed, just a couple months prior to this, High Blood Pressure Medicine... That night it sat in my cupboard, unopened.. Silly huh? But people had told me not to take it, I would never get off it, I would gain weight, I would feel run down and tired.... Just watch your salt intake..... exercise more....
For Stroke Awareness month I just ask for you to know your numbers and take your blood pressure medicine if needed. Forget the Magazine myths that float out there, forget those helpful friends....listen to your doctor, before your life makes changes, that you can never imagine...
Just a quiet spot where I can share my love of crafts. I have a yarn, fabric, pattern and loom addiction. I am a brain-stem stroke survivor, you can stop in at and say hi, my name is barbarabradford
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Knitted Fish Tawashi's
Sunshine was back today, perhaps things will dry out so I can get back in the garden.
These are little knitted fish tawashi's from a Japanese pattern book, the pattern have been
translated and you can find the pattern here.
They are a quick and fun project. I think I am going to make some for gifts, just trying to
think of what else could go into the gift basket with them.These are our fish in the backyard pond not wanting to come close to the surface, with it
still being a bit chilly.
These are little knitted fish tawashi's from a Japanese pattern book, the pattern have been
translated and you can find the pattern here.

think of what else could go into the gift basket with them.These are our fish in the backyard pond not wanting to come close to the surface, with it
still being a bit chilly.
Monday, May 2, 2011
I Wish Those Dang Texans Would Keep Their Rain
Yep, It just keeps raining and raining and yes it's all blowing up from Texas.... It's so cold that I am wearing a hoodie in the house. I just know all my little seedlings and plants are drowning. I can't bear to look out the back windows. TV Sucks.... Rain Sucks.... I need a hot cup of tea...or a drink, or pie... I like pie....
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Last of the Spring Flowers
These are the last of our spring flowers in bloom along the front garden, that I took last week. It's sad to see spring ending, but then again it felt like it was in the thirties today, so spring might not be entirely over yet. Such a quiet day, I just stayed inside and just browsed the blogs...
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