I should have known something strange was up today when I heard our postman honking,
and honking his horn. Here in the country they only honk their horn if there is something
important like a certified letter that needs a signature. I wasn't about to shut down alarms
and such and walk down to the gate, just for some business crap of hubbies.
On our stretch of road our postman has to travel down to the end of our road and then has
to return back past our house to get to one of the main roads. Today, he stopped again on
his return trip and just sat their honking again.
I must admit I was getting a bit peeved, but I managed to get to the gate, just after he had
pulled off and was traveling back into the city. Now I was really ticked, when I looked down
and sort of hidden just inside the gate was a package. Hmm?
We get little pink package slips here in the country, of when to pick packages up, not actual
packages. How very curious?
It was a very plain brown package. Ah a big brown package from one very special young
lady. If you haven't met Miss Pammy Sue, then you should and you can find her, most days
here. Don't leave now! Not until I show you just what was inside this package. Even the
postman must have realized how very special it was.

When I opened it I found the most beautiful pillow you can imagine.. Thank you Pammy, you
are such a dear. It is absolutely perfect !!! I love it so very much. So soft... and the colors...
I had to throw the new bedspread on in the Master bedroom, just to see it in all it's glory!!
Perfect.... One special 'Pammy Pillow'. Ha Ha!! Now that you have seen her gorgeous
crochet work , you can go see lots more over at Scotty's Place.
Oh, Barbara, I'm so glad you like it! It looks good on your bed with your other pillows! Looks like it matches just fine. Your bedroom looks pretty. Love that dark painted wall.
Oh wow! She couldn't have picked better colors for it had she tried. Gorgeous!
Yeah..... I knew this was on it's way. I loved it when she showed me a sneak peek the other night behind the scene. It's perfect right where it is. Isn't Pammy Sue just the best.
Yes she is, just the best...
Isn't it beautiful!
What a lovely gift.
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